So far we've been lucky to have had a very fun and busy summer. We had a wonderful Fourth of July and were able to spend time with both of our families between parades, barbecues, and a Bees game. Kev and I had thoughts about moving to Salt Lake when our lease ran up in August, but after a long hard search of not finding anything better than what we have in Bountiful we've decided we'll be here for at least another year. We love our little house in Bountiful and are so blessed for all that we have, despite the long drives that we both enjoy so much to work everyday :) we can't complain much! We were lucky to have both of our family trips fall on the same week and be able to make it to both of them. We spent the weekend of the 24th in Bear Lake with Kevin's family and had a blast. We did get a little too sunburned the first day, since neither of us had seen the sun at all this summer. That made for a couple of miserable nights... but still worth the fun at the beach!

We then stopped at home, did some laundry and headed to Lake Powell the next morning. We had a great time with my family and all of the Clarks down in Wahweep. We are so grateful we were able to go on both trips and for the wonderful break from work! I guess it's back to work and school for Kev now...